miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011


  In the dictionary the word FRIENDSHIP appears with two meanings. The first one is that friendship is the condition of showing a friendly relationship, and the second one is that it's the feeling and behavior that exists between friends. But this is not a true definition, I mean, it's not full enough. 
  Friendship it¡s not only about conditions it's a mix of lots of feelings. With your friends you laugh, you cry, you love, etc.
  This word can't be explained by a sentence or a paragraph, it's not explained by words, it involves more than that.
  In a conclusion, FRIENDSHIP involves a lot of things.


miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

Who was him?

  It was a dark night. Arianne was sitting in front of the lake that was in the back of the school. She had been there for two hours, because now it was 10 o'clock at night. She was afraid the prefect would come and put her in detention. She heard a strange sound. She turned around and no one was there. Two minutes later she turned around again and she saw a strange boy. She had never seen him before. She thought he didn't know that she was watching him but, at that moment, he was going to tell the headmaster that she was there, but he didn't. Because Arianne was afraid of him, she stood up and went to her bed to sleep. Arianne never saw him again that year.

  Four years had gone by. It was September and she had to buy school stuff. When she arrived, she saw him, the strange boy he saw four years ago at school. He told her to meet him outside the bookshop in ten minutes. She agreed, she paid the books and she went there.
 He was waiting for her with a little box. He told her he had love her since the first time he saw her, but they couldn't be together because of some problems he would have, so he gave her the box.
"When you arrive at your house, before going to school, open it" he said" But promise me something... when you are in problems take it and say your name to it" and all of a sudden, he disappeared.
  Arianne, at that moment, opened it and... it was a necklace.

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Petition letter

Dear local authorities from Calcutta,
                                                  We have visited Calcutta last week and we saw that the city has a lot of problems. We are students from Newlands School, Buenos Aires, Argentina and we are 13 years old.
                                                  We saw lots of problems, but we will mention only two of them. The first one is physical problems: FLOODING. Kolcata is located only 10 metres above sea-level and flooding is because of it and the annual monsoon. Also they can be caused by tropical storms. And the second problem is about transport. Most people have to walk or use overcrowded transport, and buses are old and they can't carry all the people they should, so people can be seen hanging to the outsides. 
                                                  We think that people can't live in that way, with pollution, noises, etc. We think you have to do something. 
                                                  We ask you to help them and protect them,not kill them.

Thank you for your cooperation, 
Valentina Abreu Salomón 
Ailin Castro Cendra 

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

Volumen de los Hielos Continentales.

 Junto con la profesora de matemática, quisimos averiguar cuanto equivale el volumen del agua que se derrite de los hielos continentales con una pileta de natación de 25m x 10m y promedio de profundidad 2m.
 Para poder calcular esto, la profesora nos dió los siguientes datos:
*Entre 1968 y 1975, la pérdida anual del Glaciar Perito Moreno promedio fue de 13,5km3. Pero entre 1995 y 2000 la pérdida anual promedio subió hasta 38,7km3. Lo siguiente que hicimos fue calcular cuanto se perdió en esos 12 años(1968/1975 y 1995/2000):
7 años . 13,5 km3: año= 94,5 km3
5 años . 38,7 km3: año= 193,5 km3
Ahora sumamos los resultados:
94,5 km3 + 193,5 km3= 288,0 km3< Esta es lo que se perdió en esos 12 años.

Lo que debiamos hacer ahora es sacar volumen de agua de una pileta de natación de 25m . 10m y 2m de profundidad promedio:
25m . 10m . 2m= 500m

Para poder saber el volumen, ahora debemos poner la equivalencia de 288 km3 a m3
288km3= 288000000000m3

 La pérdida promedio de agua del Perito Moreno en esos 12 años equivale a 576000000 piletas de natación de 25m . 10m y 2m de profundidad promedio.

Componentes del Agua de los Hielos Continentales.

 En la materia Físico-Química, estamos estudiando el agua. Entonces, lo primero que la profesora nos dijo fue que busquemos las diferencias entre AGUA POTABLE y AGUA BEBIBLE. Estos fueron los resultados:
Agua bebible: Es el agua que no se encuentra potabilizada, pero es apta para el consumo humano.
Agua potable: Es el agua que se encuentra potabilizada y que puede ser contaminada sin restricción.
Luego, nuestra meta era averguar los componentes del AGUA DE LOS GLACIARES. Para ello, averiguamos los componentes del agua de rio y el agua de mar. Estos fueron los reultados de dicha investigación:
 Agua de rio: Se la llama agua dulce, pero no es justamente dulce, sino que se le dice así ya que contiene menos contenido de sal que el agua de mar. Tiene una menor densidad al agua de mar, es bebible e hidratante y esta compuesta por minerales del agua de lluvia y del suelo. 
 Agua de mar: Se la llama agua salada, ya que es más salada que el agua de rio, también tiene mayor densidad que ésta y es no bebible e hidratante y está compuesta por sulfatos, cloruros de potacio y de calcio, carbonatos y bicarbonatos.
 Finalmente debiamos averiguar los de agua de glaciar. Nuestras conclusiones fueron que el agua de glaciar, contiene toda clase de minerales que contengan las rocas de la superficie donde se encuentren, ya que como éstos estan en constante movimiento, recogen todos los minerales de la superficie donde se encuentran.

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Nuestro sueño, salvar los HIELOS CONTINENTALES.

 El año pasado estuvimos soñando por un mundo mejor. Gracias a Expedición Bicentenario, nuestros sueños junto a los de millones de chicos más, fueron enterrados en distintos puntos importantes de nuestro país. Y aprendimos que "no se puede amar lo que no se conoce", y nos propusimos a aprender sobre los Hielos Continentales y como controlar su derretimiento para que nuestras futuras generaciones los disfruten igual que nosotros ahora. 
 Para conocer la ubicación y las expediciones, nos visitó Javier Madaráz, uno de los andinistas que ayudó a enterrar nuestros sueños en el Paso del Viento, ubicado en el hermoso pueblito de El Chaltén, Provincia de Santa Cruz. 
 Actualmente, estamos elaborando un video que concientice a las personas de los HIELOS CONTINENTALES!!!  sueños_2A.jpg

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Video: Glaciares.

  Nuestro video trata sobre consientizar a la gente sobre cuidar a los Hielos Continentales ya que éstos son una gran masa de agua potable y se están derritiendo por culpa nuestra, los seres humanos. Si nuestro fin se cumple, ocurririan grandes cambios. En este video explicamos que son, quienes y por que perjudican su derretimiento y también como detener este GRAN PROBLEMA!  
Manuela: Información sobre la biodiversidad de los glaciares. Elección de la música.
Franco: Buscar información sobre como afectan los hielos continentales hoy en día a los humanos.
Belén: Unir video, colocar la música y agregar últimos detalles de información.
Agustín: Buscar información sobre como afectan los hielos continentales hoy en día a los humanos.
Valentina: Buscar información sobre glaciares. Elección de la música.

Description: "The best movie ever"

Justin Bieber

 The best movie ever:
"Never Say Never"
Never say Never 3D is a movie about Justin Bieber's life. Justin Bieber is a famous 17 year-old singer that has come to fame by putting videos about himself singing in youtube. He has became known around the world and he has made a movie based on his career. He has won a lot of important contests and awards. Finally, Justin Bieber's, Never Say Never 3D, is a movie that is about his famous life.
Never Say Never 3D wallpaper

   Here are five reasons why Never Say Never 3D is the best movie ever. Firstly, the main character is Justin Bieber. Secondly, it shows how was his way to fame. Thirdly, there are excellent images about his shows. Fourthly, there participate famous people like Miley Cyrus, Snoop Dog, Usher and Jayden Smith. Also, it has been the number one on the list of the movies most seen between seven weeks. Finally, this is why the reasons why Never say Never 3D is the best movie ever. 


Report on how to recruit young people to the Nazi Party.

The purpose of this report is to consider the likes and dislikes of teenagers for recruting them to the Nazi Party. I have done research in the most important places where teenagers pass their leisure time and they said the following.

In a percent, 80% of teenagers like music. Also they like adults to hear their opinions so you can open a radio station where teenagers play the music and talk about this party.

Their dislikes are:

  1. They don't want to wear special uniforms
  2. They don't want to be used, they want to be useful in everything they want.

So here are some ideas about teenagers' likes and dislikes. I think that all of them might be used because it is a great opportunity for getting people in the party.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011


 Rio de Janeiro 
the place you wanna' go

 Have you ever wanted to go to Rio de Janeiro? I can't chose any other place for my holidays.
 Rio de Janeiro is located in Guanabara Bay in Brazil. I have arrived from this beautiful city one week ago, and my trip was excellent! I visited museums, theatres, cinemas and I really enjoyed them. I stayed in a beautiful hotel near a restaurant were the food was delicious. 
 One English woman that I met in the trip, told me that she always travelled there for work. Her feedback from the place was not even good, she really hated it, but I think it was awesome. The places are beautiful, there are a lot of places to have fun and the most important thing is that people treat you as if you were from their big family.
 Finally, if you need a destination for your next-holiday trip, choose Rio de Janeiro and you will feel in your home.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Expedición Bicentenario

 La expedición Bicentenario es un proyecto que se basa en recolectar los sueños de los chicos de algunos jardines y colegios de Argentina (incluyendo la Antártida y las Islas Malvinas) y lograr las 27 expediciones donde se enterrarán éstos en desiertos, montañas, océanos, ríos, lagunas, llanuras, selvas,etc. y que en el año 2110 (tricentenario de la Revolución de Mayo), se desentierren.
 Una de las expediciones más difíciles fue la de los Hielos Continentales. Éstos se encuentran en la Provincia de Santa Cruz(Argentina) y son la mayoría territorio chileno y forman el segundo campo de hielo más extenso del mundo.
<Hielos continentales Sur.

<Expedición Bicentenario.

Hielos Continentales