It was a dark night. Arianne was sitting in front of the lake that was in the back of the school. She had been there for two hours, because now it was 10 o'clock at night. She was afraid the prefect would come and put her in detention. She heard a strange sound. She turned around and no one was there. Two minutes later she turned around again and she saw a strange boy. She had never seen him before. She thought he didn't know that she was watching him but, at that moment, he was going to tell the headmaster that she was there, but he didn't. Because Arianne was afraid of him, she stood up and went to her bed to sleep. Arianne never saw him again that year.
Four years had gone by. It was September and she had to buy school stuff. When she arrived, she saw him, the strange boy he saw four years ago at school. He told her to meet him outside the bookshop in ten minutes. She agreed, she paid the books and she went there.
He was waiting for her with a little box. He told her he had love her since the first time he saw her, but they couldn't be together because of some problems he would have, so he gave her the box.
"When you arrive at your house, before going to school, open it" he said" But promise me something... when you are in problems take it and say your name to it" and all of a sudden, he disappeared.
Arianne, at that moment, opened it and... it was a necklace.